Monday, December 6, 2010

4 a.m. Is When It All Comes Out

I would like to get a few things off my chest...
First, I watched the episode of "Celebrity Ghost Stories" a few weeks ago that featured Marilyn Manson on it, which isn't bad in itself. However, Mr. Manson looked more normal than I've ever seen him (without make-up or crazy apparel) and he was talking about being bullied in high school and I just found the whole gestalt very appealing. So I must admit that now I'm slightly attracted to Marilyn Manson. I tried to get a picture of him looking normal to show ya'll, but you're just going to have to believe me on this one.

Second, I was going out to bars at Saint Louis University post-graduation, post-moving out of my swanky Coronado apartment when I hear a familiar phrase being yelled.

Fast-forward 2 years: "the Margs" and I had always been crazy enough to yell out of our 10th floor apartment window.

If we were to look to our left a little bit this is what we saw, besides the snow....except in winter. We would typically just remember when each of us (the roommates) was coming back from a class so we could yell at them and single them out in front of everybody. For example, Margaux is walking down Lindell to the crosswalk:

Margaret: "Hey you! You with the striped umbrella and Michael Kors coat!" All six people walking across the street look directly up at us, but Margaux keeps her head down, hoping that no one realizes it's her we're screaming about. But they do :). This behavior probably got funnier as the months passed.

It was the spring of 2010, my roommates and I had our apartment windows open because one of us had burnt something in the oven. It might have been me, I'm not going to lie. I'm staring out the kitchen window just watching the standard student walk home from the library or ghetto person walk to where ever they walk to that late at night. A commercial pops into my head; I get really excited and motion my crazier roommate over.

"Margaret, yell "It's My Money And I Want It Now" out the window."

"Ok" Margaret says back excitedly.


Asian exchange students are looking around wondering where this noise is coming from. "It's a voice from heaven" they must be thinking.

"Margaret" I say, "yell it again."

"IT'S MY MONEY AND I NEED IT NOW" she repeats even louder

A black man from the street replies, "YEA, I WANT MY MONEY TOO"

It was a delight and shortly after I was literally ROFLMAO.

Needless to say that wasn't the last time we pulled that stunt and why not? No other sober, female Coronado resident had the balls to yell out their window. Until....

there I was walking along Lindell by myself (on the other side of the street from the Coronado) and I hear a girl yelling with a deep, waspy tone: "IT'S MY MONEY AND I NEED IT NOW".

People on the streets chortled, "m'eh m'eh m'eh that's what those people yell out the window in that commercial". My eyes squint and I feel a slight rage building. I wanted to tell those people that that had been done before and their laughter was without merit, but it wasn't their fault; they were conned. So I was going to yell back at the girl, "B*t*h, you stole that from 10M!", but I didn't.

Since I'm graduated and can no longer provide such entertainment for SLU students I decided to think of my forgiveness as a passing of the baton.

And that's all for now, but the next time you find yourself gazing down on the street from a mildly tall to tall building you remember this story.

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