Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Heavenly Inquiry

As a Christian, I believe in heaven obviously, but regardless of how people get there, we don't know what to expect when we actually arrive. Apparently, heaven is absolute paradise. So I'm wondering if that means a general paradise. For instance, a soft sandy beach in front of a vast ocean of Brita filtered water, silver clouds and lounge chairs with velvet cushions. Who wouldn't think that's paradise? Or would heaven be more subjective? My idea of paradise would probably be a beach in front of aqua colored water off a fresh water lake in the Scottish Highlands, but without the seasonal snow and rain. I would want a large cabana with many hammocks and an endless supply of Cheez-its, cookies, white russians and chicken wings. I would also need my family and friends on hands for endlessly fun activities.

However, since we are all supposed to be "perfect" in heaven, I'm guessing we won't be confined by earthly senses and desires. For example, heavenly inhabitants will always be happy with the way heaven smells; we won't get to heaven and be upset that it smells like apple pie and snap our fingers so it smells like vanilla. So would we get to partake in our favorite things from earth? It's hard to imagine a place where every simple thing is so perfect (walking, communicating) we might not need anything else to be completely happy.

Also, if everyone is going to be the best versions of themselves does that mean the people that are genuinly annoying, loud, arrogant, bitchy etc. still going to be that way? My thoughts are they will be just no one will judge them for it.

The pastor that "confirmed" me told my class that our bodies will be so flawless we won't even recognize our spouse, friends or siblings. What he said kind of makes sense, but that's a difficult thought to deal with. He makes heaven sound like a lonely and unfamiliar place. Our question back was why would God gift us with people we say we can't live without to only take that away after we die?

No doubt, heaven will be an amazing place, but it is only natural to be skeptical and filled with anxiety thinking about one of the largest and generalized topics of all time.

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