Monday, April 12, 2010

Today's Random Thoughts

I want to start with a disclaimer: I am a (creative) writing minor, but my "non-fiction writing" teacher said it's okay to not follow grammatical rules if you have a purpose for doing so. That being said, assume I always have a purpose for poor grammar :) .

I'm on and off writing a full length play for a class and must say that I think I'm intentionally making it boring because compared to movies that's exactly what most plays are. I need a break from this stupid 19th century New England setting I've written myself into. Therefore... (ex) boyfriend made the mistake of teaching me how to make a grilled cheese sandwich. I realize it's stupidly easy to make one, but I don't ever remember my mom making me one, asking her or trying to learn myself. Ever since learning, I've made the habit of making myself one after long nights of alcohol consumption. So during a recent night, there I was at 2am, making my sandwich (with grace). After making the crispy, cheesy deliciousness, I decided eating might not be the best idea and set the plate on the couch-side table. My one roommate was still out [don't judge] so I easily "fell asleep" on the couch while watching "Ghost Adventures", whole grilled cheese still by side. An unknown amount of time passed before I awoke to some stupid infomercial and then passively noticed that my sandwich was missing. Two large crumbs remained and I was unaware if my roommate had come home or not. I immediately was trying to remember if I could have eaten it or if someone could have possibly brought a dog back to jump up on the table and eat it. Oh well-I was tired so decided I'd find out in the morning. It turns out that once my roommate returned, she tried to shout my name to wake me up, but since I didn't wake up, she'd decided I probably wasn't going to eat my sandwich so took it upon herself.

I'm not at all mad at her, but just felt like sharing. I'm actually watching the newer Pride & Prejudice with Kiera Knightly for the first time. Too bad every male actor in this movie is trying way too hard to match their 1995 TV-series counter-part. I can't blame them though, playing a Mark Darcy currently acted by Colin Firth would be hard. I actually like this movie, but it's only making me want to first, argue with Colin Firth in the English rain with an English accent and second, own a rope swing.

I guess the moral of the story is to not leave (good) food out and then "fall asleep" knowing your drunk and hungry roommates will be back soon. Unless you love your roommates and don't care like me :D


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