Tuesday, March 15, 2011

St. Patty's Day Weekend in Chicago!

Laura, Mary and I drove off Friday morning to Chicago for the weekend to visit Genny and get our drink on. After arriving, the fun didn't start right away because it took us an hour and a half to park, but once we did it wasn't long till we rode the bus to Michigan Ave. (Forever 21 and Express holla!). As we were walking on the street we saw Genny arrive on her bus (it was very cinematic).

Then Genny was like "Bitches, I'm hungry," so we found a New Orleans inspired restaurant named "Heaven on Seven". It was maxed out with Mardi Gras decorations and we were very discouraged that cocktails were $10, but Laura and I had "Craw Daddies" anyway and they were delicious.

After a surprisingly non-sketchy bus ride back to Genny's swanky and spacious apartment, we prepared for a night on the town. That included playing "Fuck The Dealer" and only after a few rounds we were all pretty f**ked.
First, we took a taxi to a two floor bar/club called Lion's Head, I think. Mary did tequila shots with strange women and as always the Villa girls got everyone dancing. We decided to bolt that scene and go to another bar that I can't remember the name of, but they give free bags of popcorn to everyone. There were also a lot of men; that's when I learned what a "bro bar" is.

Next, we went to "The Hangge Uppe". It was pretty tight; we started dancing right as we got in the door. A group of, I'll call them semi-attractive, men were watching us and Laura achieved that "goal" of life. Shortly after we all branched off with our own men. Mary saw Matt Trokey, but no one believed her. And getting every one's drunk ass in a cab home was like herding sheep, but I won't go into specifics. Long story short, Mary's gentlemen caller made is way into Genny's apartment. Laura and Genny chatted with him, saying things like "you don't make six figures," and "are you a robot?" (Genny had to ask because he was tall with a weird shaped head and an extremely low voice). Mary ate on the floor in the dark kitchen and I set up my bed in Genny's room because at least if that man pulled a gun, I could try to escape.

We awoke Saturday morning to get ready for our St. Patrick's Day extravaganza at Duffy's Tavern about a 10 minute walk from Genny's apartment. Laura and I felt the most ill, but rallied to get our green outfits on. Duffy's was pretty packed; a lot of people with gaudy green wigs on; free beads, hats and a long buffet. I went back to Genny's because I was about to vomit in front of everyone so G, L and M stayed and drank there little hearts out. We met back up late afternoon to go to lunch. As soon as we rejoin, Mary just hops in a taxi mini van with six other people and of course wouldn't get back out so we all had to fit. That was an uncomfortable and stupid ride so we had them drop us off. Mary then must have thought that the "Don't Walk" signs actually said walk so she nearly got killed in oncoming traffic a few times.

We found a small Mexican restaurant so we could eat and so Mary wouldn't die on us. She immediately ordered an extra strong margarita with a shot on the side to add. If any one's had to monitor a 4 year old at a restaurant then you understand how it was. To add some bizarre, Trokey said he just saw Laura walking down whatever street we were on. Very weird that he was not only at The Hangge Uppe, but also saw us the next day. Genny decided to leave with Mary to put her to bed and Laura and I stayed a while longer. Once we were all back at Genny's we all took a 3 hour nap? Genny and I then decided to go to the Athenian Room, a quaint, Greek restaurant, for dinner. Saturday night we stayed in because the red head and arab were hungover from the day.

Sunday morning rolled around and after sleeping in we decided to have a nice brunch at a place called Orange. It was very delicious, I recommend it. Alas, we couldn't stay with Genny forever :( so Mary, Laura and I packed up and started our drive back to St. Louis. We played light music while reflecting back on our time in Chi-Town and played "20 Questions". All in all it was fun; a lot of alcohol was consumed and maybe we'll get around to seeing a museum next time.